The All-Star Team is a prestigious group within the Texas Gulf Surfing Association, selected based on top season points from the Under 18 divisions. This year, additional slots were filled through an essay submission from a member of the Under 18 divisions. Essays were reviewed by our coaches to select the new team members.
The coaches are responsible for vetting the team, carefully reviewing all submissions, and selecting both the additional members and the top surfers in each Under 18 division.
All-Star Team members have several responsibilities throughout the season, including attending training sessions, participating in Zoom meetings, engaging in fundraising activities, volunteering at events, and joining meet-ups organized by coaches. The team’s accountability is maintained through support and oversight by fellow members and coaches.
The age limit for the All-Star Team focuses on juniors as per the Board's decision to prioritize youth development. Coaches for the team are selected based on volunteer interest, experience, respect and participation within the surf community, with nominations reviewed and approved by the Board.
Scheduled practices are organized by the coaches to ensure optimal training. The All-Star Team enhances the organization by driving participation in events, increasing visibility, and boosting economic support through heightened engagement and community involvement. We are committed to supporting our juniors through the All-Star Team.
The 2024-2025 All Star Team
Yates Harris
Eva Castillo
Parker Whitfield
Evelyn McDevitt
Banyan Smith
Caden Shelton
Keagan Sohl
Phoebe Rogers
Kiahla Shelton
Rudy Whittington
Elle Hable
Brixton "Fish" Morris
Beckem Edwards
Morgan Faulkner
Kris Hopkins
Walter Sohl